• Welcome to our work in progress

    We have zero budget and are donating our time, talents, and personal resources to this passion project. We welcome your feedback, funding, guest introductions, and professional resources. Please be patient while we learn and improve.

  • This podcast was a wild idea during a phone call one afternoon

    From there, we brainstormed, set up our tools, talked with teens, and started recording.

About Us

Charlotte Payton, left & Renee Cahill, right

When they were nine, Charlotte and Renee lost their almost four-year-old sister, Alicea, in a drowning accident. This early experience with loss taught them resilience, how to cope, and shaped each of their lives and career journeys.

Charlotte’s loved ones often describe her as the strongest person they know. Charlotte was lucky enough to find and marry her soulmate, Greg, and they had two healthy children. However, after nearly 10 years together, Greg died unexpectedly from a cardiac arrhythmia at 42 leaving Charlotte to raise their baby and toddler on her own. This tragedy gave Charlotte even more reason to double-down on her life-long philosophy to live each day to the fullest in pursuit of joy and love and to give back goodness in any way possible. Charlotte pursued a career in philanthropy working for nonprofits as well as implementing donation and volunteer programs for companies. She also volunteers with several organizations including Girls on the Run. Charlotte and her children live in the San Francisco Bay Area where they are supported by a tribe of loyal friends.

Renee, committed to helping children through early life struggles, pursued a career as an elementary school counselor. Soon after, she earned a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology and has worked part-time as a therapist, clinical supervisor, and adjunct professor. Childhood struggles, including dyslexia, bullying, and a family bearevement have brought Renee to her mission of supporting children during challenging life events. In addition, she was inspired by her devoted and loving teachers and child therapist. Renee’s loved ones admire her for her sharp wit and her task-mastering prowess. She and her husband, Jeff, are raising three children and live in the suburbs of Philadelphia close to Renee’s family and some childhood friends.

A Special Thanks

A very special thank you to some very special teens for their contributions, feedback, and support.

You are our inspiration!

Alina Brooke

Emma Faith

Luke Olivia

Rayanna Sadie